Posted: December 31, 2008
Date: January 1, 2009
Time: 12:10 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Doncaster.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Like a fireball.
Full Description of event/sighting: Both me and my partner saw two flying objects in the sky, we did some research and it sounds very similar to a case you have talked about before "Wheatley Hills, Doncaster U.K. A Flying Formation Of Glowing Balls Of Light". Me and my partner talked about it for ages trying to work out what it could be and all the things we thought of didn't fit!
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
West End Of Paisley, UK A Large Flat Square Shaped Orange Dish Object
Posted: December 31, 2008
Date: January 1, 2009
Time: 12.05 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Paisley.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Square flat shaped.
Note: This report below is the first received by HBCC UFO Research in the New Year.
Full Description of event/sighting: While working in the West End of Paisley, I was alerted by two strangers, (one female and male), I heard the female shouting, look at that, as I looked from an upstairs window I saw a large flat square shaped orange dish. The object was not flashing but remained very bright, while hovering the object briefly moved from right to left and then back again to the spot I first seen it at.I immediately informed my colleague who was in our office at the time, we both then went outside to have a look, my colleague confirms that he seen a bright orange light which appeared to be surrounded by a triangular shaped orange light, this remained for approximately 1 minute, the object then disappeared heading towards the Elderslie area of Renfrewshire.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: January 1, 2009
Time: 12.05 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Paisley.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Square flat shaped.
Note: This report below is the first received by HBCC UFO Research in the New Year.
Full Description of event/sighting: While working in the West End of Paisley, I was alerted by two strangers, (one female and male), I heard the female shouting, look at that, as I looked from an upstairs window I saw a large flat square shaped orange dish. The object was not flashing but remained very bright, while hovering the object briefly moved from right to left and then back again to the spot I first seen it at.I immediately informed my colleague who was in our office at the time, we both then went outside to have a look, my colleague confirms that he seen a bright orange light which appeared to be surrounded by a triangular shaped orange light, this remained for approximately 1 minute, the object then disappeared heading towards the Elderslie area of Renfrewshire.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Rhondda, Cardiff, Wales A Bright Object
Posted: December 31, 2008
Date: December 26th 2008
Time: 9:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: As yet just Myself
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Roundish.
Weather Conditions: Clear.
Description: While waiting to be picked up by a family member. I was looking at a bright object to the east, this was not a ufo but was impressive all the same as it twinkled different colours like a star would. As I would be out for the evening I had a quick look around the side of the house, (15 secs approx)when I came back to the front to scan the sky again as it was very clear I observed an Orange\yellow Orbish object directly south just to the side of a mountain. It took a few seconds to dawn on me what I was looking at, 1. because it did't look high in the sky & secondly because of the size. This was the size of a street light across the road without any flair\blur & at least 1 mile away. Anyway by the time the penny dropped & I had the object in focus on my mobile phone it just faded & went dim as it moved behind the mountain. I didn't get a picture as when it dimmed, I thought it was a focus error on my phones part, it wasn't. I missed the chance to get a one in a lifetime shot. You just ain't prepared for that.
UFOINFO Note: As with other similar reports I asked the witness to have a look at the UFO Balloons website to see if this is what might have been seen and received the following reply:
Hi John
I have checked the video & I can assure you it did not look anything like that. It was almost or completely round & way way bigger, the colour can only be described as molten metal orange\yellow. Also the object was static above the treeline on the left side of the mountain for the 8-10 seconds I saw it. Only after it dimmed did it move, quickly to the right, behind the mountain. I have searched the net for many many hours to see if anyone else had witnessed it & unfortunately as yet I have been unable to find anything.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: December 26th 2008
Time: 9:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: As yet just Myself
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Roundish.
Weather Conditions: Clear.
Description: While waiting to be picked up by a family member. I was looking at a bright object to the east, this was not a ufo but was impressive all the same as it twinkled different colours like a star would. As I would be out for the evening I had a quick look around the side of the house, (15 secs approx)when I came back to the front to scan the sky again as it was very clear I observed an Orange\yellow Orbish object directly south just to the side of a mountain. It took a few seconds to dawn on me what I was looking at, 1. because it did't look high in the sky & secondly because of the size. This was the size of a street light across the road without any flair\blur & at least 1 mile away. Anyway by the time the penny dropped & I had the object in focus on my mobile phone it just faded & went dim as it moved behind the mountain. I didn't get a picture as when it dimmed, I thought it was a focus error on my phones part, it wasn't. I missed the chance to get a one in a lifetime shot. You just ain't prepared for that.
UFOINFO Note: As with other similar reports I asked the witness to have a look at the UFO Balloons website to see if this is what might have been seen and received the following reply:
Hi John
I have checked the video & I can assure you it did not look anything like that. It was almost or completely round & way way bigger, the colour can only be described as molten metal orange\yellow. Also the object was static above the treeline on the left side of the mountain for the 8-10 seconds I saw it. Only after it dimmed did it move, quickly to the right, behind the mountain. I have searched the net for many many hours to see if anyone else had witnessed it & unfortunately as yet I have been unable to find anything.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, England A Round Orange Object
Posted: December 31, 2008
Date: December 26, 2008
Time: 10:45 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Clear with a few clouds.
Description: When I was leaving my local sports club at approx 22.45 I noticed and orange object in the sky which was about the size of two match heads not intensely bright and not flashing. It was traveling in a east to west direction at first assumed it was a satellite but then it slowly turned in north westerly direction and the orange glow got dimmer and disappeared. I thought it may have been a military plane on afterburn but there was no noise or pulsed emission of light. I have never seen anything like this in my life it was quite unusual.
UFOINFO Note: As with other similar reports I asked the witness to have a look at the UFO Balloons website to see if this is what might have been seen and received the following reply:
Many thanks for replying John, I think you may be right that looks like what I saw the other night.
There's a conundrum solved for me.
Many thanks.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: December 26, 2008
Time: 10:45 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Clear with a few clouds.
Description: When I was leaving my local sports club at approx 22.45 I noticed and orange object in the sky which was about the size of two match heads not intensely bright and not flashing. It was traveling in a east to west direction at first assumed it was a satellite but then it slowly turned in north westerly direction and the orange glow got dimmer and disappeared. I thought it may have been a military plane on afterburn but there was no noise or pulsed emission of light. I have never seen anything like this in my life it was quite unusual.
UFOINFO Note: As with other similar reports I asked the witness to have a look at the UFO Balloons website to see if this is what might have been seen and received the following reply:
Many thanks for replying John, I think you may be right that looks like what I saw the other night.
There's a conundrum solved for me.
Many thanks.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Morecambe, Lancashire, England Round Orange Light/Objects
Posted: December 31, 2008
Date: December 27 2008
Time: 10:15 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Clear.
Description: While driving my grandson to his mother I seen an orange light moving towards me from the side, I pulled over amazed at what I was seeing, as I stopped the light turned 90 degrees and disappeared. When reaching my daughter I told her not to think I was mad and told her what I had seen. She then told me her partner had just texted her that he had seen the same. As I was telling her we seen another go across the sky and as that disappeared another one appeared following the previous. Both followed an arc pattern and disappeared. The speed was steady but still faster than any aeroplane. To say I'm freaked out is an underestimate.
UFOINFO Note: As with other similar reports I asked the witness to have a look at the UFO Balloons website to see if this is what might have been seen and received the following reply:
Hi, I have viewed the video as you requested and to be honest they were not like these. They were much brighter and the original one I seen was coming from north to south towards me, it then turned 90 degrees going west. The second and third ones appeared from the east going west travelling faster than an aeroplane but low with no noise before disappearing after 10, 20 seconds. Hope this helps.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: December 27 2008
Time: 10:15 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Clear.
Description: While driving my grandson to his mother I seen an orange light moving towards me from the side, I pulled over amazed at what I was seeing, as I stopped the light turned 90 degrees and disappeared. When reaching my daughter I told her not to think I was mad and told her what I had seen. She then told me her partner had just texted her that he had seen the same. As I was telling her we seen another go across the sky and as that disappeared another one appeared following the previous. Both followed an arc pattern and disappeared. The speed was steady but still faster than any aeroplane. To say I'm freaked out is an underestimate.
UFOINFO Note: As with other similar reports I asked the witness to have a look at the UFO Balloons website to see if this is what might have been seen and received the following reply:
Hi, I have viewed the video as you requested and to be honest they were not like these. They were much brighter and the original one I seen was coming from north to south towards me, it then turned 90 degrees going west. The second and third ones appeared from the east going west travelling faster than an aeroplane but low with no noise before disappearing after 10, 20 seconds. Hope this helps.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Elderslie, Renfrewshire, UK More Witnesses To Unusual Lights
Posted: December 29, 2008
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: 10:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Elderslie, Renfrewshire, UK.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Circular.
Full Description of event/sighting: On Christmas night a friend and I decided to have a drink and go out walking. We ended up on the Elderslie golf course. At one point I looked up in the sky in the distance and observed 2 lights moving quite fast, tailing each other. I thought they looked odd and pointed them out to my friend. He looked also and we got into a slightly drink induced hysteria about it. Suddenly a third light appeared from behind trees (this was well in the distance but the trees were obscuring our view) also moving quite fast. At this point I decided I should record this on my mobile phone camera and took it out, however before I started recording two of the lights disappeared and I was left only recording one, it is quite small and my hands aren't very steady, but the movement of this light can be observed, my only problem with showing the video is the audio, we're both quite drunk and sound like complete idiots. To be honest, whilst at the time we were excited and although in the video we convince ourselves this is not simply our drunken minds playing tricks on us, I had put it out of my mind until I stumbled upon an article in the local newspaper "The Paisley Daily Express" about a man seeing two strange glowing lights the night before. As no reasonable explanation was given for these and the HBCC was referenced I decided to pass the story on to you.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: 10:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Elderslie, Renfrewshire, UK.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Circular.
Full Description of event/sighting: On Christmas night a friend and I decided to have a drink and go out walking. We ended up on the Elderslie golf course. At one point I looked up in the sky in the distance and observed 2 lights moving quite fast, tailing each other. I thought they looked odd and pointed them out to my friend. He looked also and we got into a slightly drink induced hysteria about it. Suddenly a third light appeared from behind trees (this was well in the distance but the trees were obscuring our view) also moving quite fast. At this point I decided I should record this on my mobile phone camera and took it out, however before I started recording two of the lights disappeared and I was left only recording one, it is quite small and my hands aren't very steady, but the movement of this light can be observed, my only problem with showing the video is the audio, we're both quite drunk and sound like complete idiots. To be honest, whilst at the time we were excited and although in the video we convince ourselves this is not simply our drunken minds playing tricks on us, I had put it out of my mind until I stumbled upon an article in the local newspaper "The Paisley Daily Express" about a man seeing two strange glowing lights the night before. As no reasonable explanation was given for these and the HBCC was referenced I decided to pass the story on to you.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Beechboro, Perth, Western Australia A Round Silver Blue UFO
Posted: December 29, 2008
Date: December 22, 2008
Time: 12:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 5
Shape of objects: Different shapes.
Weather Conditions: Perfectly fine clear day.
Description: I walked out the front of my house and my daughter 19 months old said plane daddy. I looked in the sky and saw a round blue and silver object. I noticed that it had no sound, it seemed to me that the blue colour was the same shade as the sky and hard to make out, I assumed that the silver shine was possibly a combined reflection of the sun and it body. It flew at a consistent speed rather slow. It also seemed to pulsate, not colour - but matter-hard to explain.
It flew directly overhead of myself and daughter slowing down as it passed us. I would say that it was at roughly cloud level although there were no clouds. As it passed us it seemed to slow, then it turned a red colour, the red was emitted from the object as the colour was not solid. As soon as it emitted red it disappeared. I knew what I had seen was not of this world.
I kept walking as I was going to the shop, as I got 50 meters down the road my daughter again said daddy a plane, as I looked into the sky I saw what I thought to be a star although I quickly realized that it was no star as it was moving quite fast north. I also noticed that three silver-not shining-silver objects were flying around this star looking object. I was confused because the star object looked out of proportion to the objects flying around it-I wasn't sure
exactly whether all 4 objects were at the same height.
As the silver objects were flying they were pulling off incredible maneuvers and it seemed to me and strange to say that the silver objects had a innocent or child like nature in the way that they were flying around, like they were playing a game of chasy-sounds weird. The silver objects seemed to go back to the star and then reemerged again three more times. All this time my 20 month old daughter is still saying plane daddy which is still blowing me away because they were so high in the sky it was hard for me to see. The other thing that seemed odd to me is that this star like object seemed to be encased in a blue ball of something, the first thing that came to mind was water as the bubble of water? Was a slightly darker shade of blue than the sky at the time. I continued to watch these object continuing north until they were out of sight.
I rang meteorology and they knew nothing and I rang the police to see if anyone else had reported a sighting although they said that they hadn't, 2 days later I was in my back yard and was playing with my daughter and I saw a object that at distance looked like a plane although it wasn't on a flight path used by other planes as I have observed since living here. As I looked closer I realized that this object was grey, had no wings, made no noise and was massive at a distance.
It was around 2.45 pm, north east flying east, the weather was clear as day not a cloud in the sky. This grey object had no markings and seemed to fly at irregular speeds, nothing excessive although it seemed to stall now and again. The distance had to be at least ten to twenty kilometers away.
I bought myself a video camera after my last sighting two days prior and ran inside to get it, as I came out side and tried to focus in on it, it disappeared. My daughter saw it too although it seemed strange to me that something that large was not caught on camera or seen by someone else here, although I have been told that not everyone can see them..thank you for your interest, I'm not wasting your time as these things actually happened. I hope that I have more sightings and can send you some footage next time.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: December 22, 2008
Time: 12:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 5
Shape of objects: Different shapes.
Weather Conditions: Perfectly fine clear day.
Description: I walked out the front of my house and my daughter 19 months old said plane daddy. I looked in the sky and saw a round blue and silver object. I noticed that it had no sound, it seemed to me that the blue colour was the same shade as the sky and hard to make out, I assumed that the silver shine was possibly a combined reflection of the sun and it body. It flew at a consistent speed rather slow. It also seemed to pulsate, not colour - but matter-hard to explain.
It flew directly overhead of myself and daughter slowing down as it passed us. I would say that it was at roughly cloud level although there were no clouds. As it passed us it seemed to slow, then it turned a red colour, the red was emitted from the object as the colour was not solid. As soon as it emitted red it disappeared. I knew what I had seen was not of this world.
I kept walking as I was going to the shop, as I got 50 meters down the road my daughter again said daddy a plane, as I looked into the sky I saw what I thought to be a star although I quickly realized that it was no star as it was moving quite fast north. I also noticed that three silver-not shining-silver objects were flying around this star looking object. I was confused because the star object looked out of proportion to the objects flying around it-I wasn't sure
exactly whether all 4 objects were at the same height.
As the silver objects were flying they were pulling off incredible maneuvers and it seemed to me and strange to say that the silver objects had a innocent or child like nature in the way that they were flying around, like they were playing a game of chasy-sounds weird. The silver objects seemed to go back to the star and then reemerged again three more times. All this time my 20 month old daughter is still saying plane daddy which is still blowing me away because they were so high in the sky it was hard for me to see. The other thing that seemed odd to me is that this star like object seemed to be encased in a blue ball of something, the first thing that came to mind was water as the bubble of water? Was a slightly darker shade of blue than the sky at the time. I continued to watch these object continuing north until they were out of sight.
I rang meteorology and they knew nothing and I rang the police to see if anyone else had reported a sighting although they said that they hadn't, 2 days later I was in my back yard and was playing with my daughter and I saw a object that at distance looked like a plane although it wasn't on a flight path used by other planes as I have observed since living here. As I looked closer I realized that this object was grey, had no wings, made no noise and was massive at a distance.
It was around 2.45 pm, north east flying east, the weather was clear as day not a cloud in the sky. This grey object had no markings and seemed to fly at irregular speeds, nothing excessive although it seemed to stall now and again. The distance had to be at least ten to twenty kilometers away.
I bought myself a video camera after my last sighting two days prior and ran inside to get it, as I came out side and tried to focus in on it, it disappeared. My daughter saw it too although it seemed strange to me that something that large was not caught on camera or seen by someone else here, although I have been told that not everyone can see them..thank you for your interest, I'm not wasting your time as these things actually happened. I hope that I have more sightings and can send you some footage next time.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Mexico City A Very Brilliant Sphere
Posted: December 29, 2008
Date: December 21, 2008
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Sphere
Weather Conditions: 100% clear sky
Description: Mexico City. December 21th 2008. 11:30 am Local time. My mother and I went up to the roof to take some warm from the sun. The sky is cloudless and very bright. Looking up to the west we both saw a very brilliant sphere surrounded by a clear halo. It was moving west to south with uniform speed. While travelling, it seemed to be spinning on its own axis, because we could see it shinning for a moment, and then the shine went very opaque,
almost invisible against the sky, then again, this shine came back. Seemed like it was partially reflective and partially opaque.
At some point, it crossed just below of the morning moon and aircraft passed at the same time. It continued moving towards the sun and it became very difficult to see because we had the sun in front of our face. I guess the clear halo was 2 or 3 times the size of the sphere.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: December 21, 2008
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Sphere
Weather Conditions: 100% clear sky
Description: Mexico City. December 21th 2008. 11:30 am Local time. My mother and I went up to the roof to take some warm from the sun. The sky is cloudless and very bright. Looking up to the west we both saw a very brilliant sphere surrounded by a clear halo. It was moving west to south with uniform speed. While travelling, it seemed to be spinning on its own axis, because we could see it shinning for a moment, and then the shine went very opaque,
almost invisible against the sky, then again, this shine came back. Seemed like it was partially reflective and partially opaque.
At some point, it crossed just below of the morning moon and aircraft passed at the same time. It continued moving towards the sun and it became very difficult to see because we had the sun in front of our face. I guess the clear halo was 2 or 3 times the size of the sphere.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Pitshanger, Ealing, London, England A Shiny Grey/Silver UFO
Posted: December 29, 2008
Date: Summer 2006
Time: Daytime sighting.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Cuboid.
In the summer of 2006, I believe it was, I spotted what appeared to be a solid shiny grey/silver/black cuboid shape slowly turning through the late-morning sky from the garden of a house in Pitshanger village on the edge of Ealing, West London. There were two of us that followed the progress of the shape with our eyes and binoculars. I would estimate the height to be around two thousand feet and on a south-west to north-east path passing directly over Ealing towards Wembley. Now, I know that it was coming from roughly the area where Heathrow Airport was located so I assumed they were tracking it and I reported it but heard nothing further. The shape was reminiscent of those metal luggage containers that fit into aircraft holds. Initially assuming it was a balloon of some description, I quickly discounted that theory as the cuboid was definitely on a controlled slow turn, did not undulate in either height or direction and did not appear to be buffeted by winds or the like. As it turned, the sun would reflect off it's metallic sides. Through the binoculars, I observed no markings and no antennae etc, just the cuboid.
I just wondered if anything similar had been reported.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: Summer 2006
Time: Daytime sighting.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Cuboid.
In the summer of 2006, I believe it was, I spotted what appeared to be a solid shiny grey/silver/black cuboid shape slowly turning through the late-morning sky from the garden of a house in Pitshanger village on the edge of Ealing, West London. There were two of us that followed the progress of the shape with our eyes and binoculars. I would estimate the height to be around two thousand feet and on a south-west to north-east path passing directly over Ealing towards Wembley. Now, I know that it was coming from roughly the area where Heathrow Airport was located so I assumed they were tracking it and I reported it but heard nothing further. The shape was reminiscent of those metal luggage containers that fit into aircraft holds. Initially assuming it was a balloon of some description, I quickly discounted that theory as the cuboid was definitely on a controlled slow turn, did not undulate in either height or direction and did not appear to be buffeted by winds or the like. As it turned, the sun would reflect off it's metallic sides. Through the binoculars, I observed no markings and no antennae etc, just the cuboid.
I just wondered if anything similar had been reported.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Kingswinford, West Midlands, England UK Object High Above
Posted: December 29, 2008
Date: December 11th 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Vertical and elongated.
Weather Conditions: Freezing cold, slightly misty at ground level.
Description: Immediately after leaving work at approx 6.25pm, I was walking in a westerly direction along Kingswinford High Street towards Kingswinford Cross. I observed an object at high altitude to my left heading in a south to north direction, passing immediately parallel to Moss Grove. The object was "tall" (vertical) and appeared to be on fire, glowing intensely one sexing and diminishing the next, like a flame. It was silent. Ahead of this object, I then observed another two similar objects heading in the same direction but these gradually vanished at exactly the same time after just a few seconds. These two objects were together and apart from the first. The main object then vanished in about the same area after "catching up" to the place where the other two had been.
TV/Radio: Not to my knowledge but strange lights were reported in the sky above nearby Haleswen two nights later.
UFOINFO Note: As with other similar reports I asked the witness to have a look at the UFO Balloons website to see if this is what might have been seen and received the following reply:
Hello John,
Thanks for getting back to me. I've watched the video of the balloon launch and the safe bet would be too say they are the lanterns you mention. However, they were much more elongated and did not deter from their path but, on the whole, I would say the mystery has been solved.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: December 11th 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Vertical and elongated.
Weather Conditions: Freezing cold, slightly misty at ground level.
Description: Immediately after leaving work at approx 6.25pm, I was walking in a westerly direction along Kingswinford High Street towards Kingswinford Cross. I observed an object at high altitude to my left heading in a south to north direction, passing immediately parallel to Moss Grove. The object was "tall" (vertical) and appeared to be on fire, glowing intensely one sexing and diminishing the next, like a flame. It was silent. Ahead of this object, I then observed another two similar objects heading in the same direction but these gradually vanished at exactly the same time after just a few seconds. These two objects were together and apart from the first. The main object then vanished in about the same area after "catching up" to the place where the other two had been.
TV/Radio: Not to my knowledge but strange lights were reported in the sky above nearby Haleswen two nights later.
UFOINFO Note: As with other similar reports I asked the witness to have a look at the UFO Balloons website to see if this is what might have been seen and received the following reply:
Hello John,
Thanks for getting back to me. I've watched the video of the balloon launch and the safe bet would be too say they are the lanterns you mention. However, they were much more elongated and did not deter from their path but, on the whole, I would say the mystery has been solved.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Warrington Cheshire, UK Seven Orange Glowing Disks
Posted: December 29, 2008
Date: December 28, 2008
Time: 5.30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Warrington Cheshire.
Number of witnesses: 8
Number of objects: 7
Shape of objects: Circular disk shape.
Full Description of event/sighting: 3 disks passing above 4 following glowing orange going east to east to west. I have photographs.
Thank you to the witness for their report. I have also requested the photos.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 28, 2008
Time: 5.30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Warrington Cheshire.
Number of witnesses: 8
Number of objects: 7
Shape of objects: Circular disk shape.
Full Description of event/sighting: 3 disks passing above 4 following glowing orange going east to east to west. I have photographs.
Thank you to the witness for their report. I have also requested the photos.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Redhills, Exeter, Devon UK Approximately 60 Circular Orange Objects
Posted: December 29, 2008
Date: December 27, 2008
Time: 11:05 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Redhills, Exeter, Devon UK.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 60
Shape of objects: Circular orange.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was called out to the front door by neighbour who had seen approx: 40 twinkling, orange orbs go silently overhead in a westerly direction. We then saw approx: 20 more, not in formation, but at the same speed. Completely silent in a clear sky. I have seen lit balloons to catch moths in the New Forest, but I don't think there are many of those around at this time of year! We are used to seeing aircraft at night as we live on the approach to Exeter airport.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 27, 2008
Time: 11:05 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Redhills, Exeter, Devon UK.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 60
Shape of objects: Circular orange.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was called out to the front door by neighbour who had seen approx: 40 twinkling, orange orbs go silently overhead in a westerly direction. We then saw approx: 20 more, not in formation, but at the same speed. Completely silent in a clear sky. I have seen lit balloons to catch moths in the New Forest, but I don't think there are many of those around at this time of year! We are used to seeing aircraft at night as we live on the approach to Exeter airport.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Grimsby, UK A Bright Orange/Red Light
Posted: December 29, 2008
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: 5.25 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Grimsby.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Circular.
Full Description of event/sighting: Driving from my mum's house to my brother's on Xmas Day I saw a bright Orangey-Red light. Too big to be a light from a helicopter or a plane, also too bright. It seemed to be hovering at first but was moving east towards the sea. My first thought was some kind of object entering the earth's atmosphere, but I wouldn't know what this actually looked like. As we turned a corner the light came into the view of my parents and my auntie. They started to discuss what it could be, my mum said it looked like a flare but there wasn't a smoke trail and it was moving. We turned another corner and the thing was lost from sight by houses, by the time we stopped 10 minutes later the sky was completely clear of objects.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: 5.25 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Grimsby.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Circular.
Full Description of event/sighting: Driving from my mum's house to my brother's on Xmas Day I saw a bright Orangey-Red light. Too big to be a light from a helicopter or a plane, also too bright. It seemed to be hovering at first but was moving east towards the sea. My first thought was some kind of object entering the earth's atmosphere, but I wouldn't know what this actually looked like. As we turned a corner the light came into the view of my parents and my auntie. They started to discuss what it could be, my mum said it looked like a flare but there wasn't a smoke trail and it was moving. We turned another corner and the thing was lost from sight by houses, by the time we stopped 10 minutes later the sky was completely clear of objects.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Benfleet, Essex UK Six Orange Balls In Total Observed
Posted: December 29, 2008
Date: December 26, 2008
Time: 8:15 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Benfleet, Essex UK.
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of objects: 6
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: I first saw a round orange ball, no noise or flashing lights, just the orange ball. It was travelling across the sky which was clear. Then after a few minutes after it disappeared, another one, same as the first, following the same path as the first. Again after a few minutes 4 others all the same intervals following the same path.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 26, 2008
Time: 8:15 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Benfleet, Essex UK.
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of objects: 6
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: I first saw a round orange ball, no noise or flashing lights, just the orange ball. It was travelling across the sky which was clear. Then after a few minutes after it disappeared, another one, same as the first, following the same path as the first. Again after a few minutes 4 others all the same intervals following the same path.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Coppull, Chorley, Lancashire, England UK Two Orange Lights
Posted: December 28, 2008
Date: December 16, 2008
Time: 8:40 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Two Orange lights long and slim.
Weather Conditions: Clear night.
Description: I was stood at the rear door of my house just having a cigarette when I noticed these two very bright flashing amber/orange lights, the rear of my house faces in a south western position and the lights appeared to be at approx. 1000-2000 feet in height and they remained in a fixed position for about 50 seconds. I could not define any shape of a craft but the lights seemed too far apart for any kind of aircraft or anything else for that matter. These orange
light flashes where very large in circumference and flashed off set to each other at no regular pattern. I was amazed when I saw these lights just shoot off from a fixed position to what appeared to be heading in a northerly direction at the same level. The speed it departed was amazing too ! Just wish I had it on a camera phone because this was a life changing experience.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: December 16, 2008
Time: 8:40 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Two Orange lights long and slim.
Weather Conditions: Clear night.
Description: I was stood at the rear door of my house just having a cigarette when I noticed these two very bright flashing amber/orange lights, the rear of my house faces in a south western position and the lights appeared to be at approx. 1000-2000 feet in height and they remained in a fixed position for about 50 seconds. I could not define any shape of a craft but the lights seemed too far apart for any kind of aircraft or anything else for that matter. These orange
light flashes where very large in circumference and flashed off set to each other at no regular pattern. I was amazed when I saw these lights just shoot off from a fixed position to what appeared to be heading in a northerly direction at the same level. The speed it departed was amazing too ! Just wish I had it on a camera phone because this was a life changing experience.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Thelwall Warrington, UK Two Spherical Orange Lights
Posted: December 28, 2008
Date: December 26, 2008
Time: 11.00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Thelwall Warrington.
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Spherical.
Full Description of event/sighting: There were two orange lights about the size of a plane travelling away from us. They were not together and did not follow each other exactly. The sky was very clear and just before they disappeared they flashed slightly. This lasted about 2 minutes in total.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 26, 2008
Time: 11.00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Thelwall Warrington.
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Spherical.
Full Description of event/sighting: There were two orange lights about the size of a plane travelling away from us. They were not together and did not follow each other exactly. The sky was very clear and just before they disappeared they flashed slightly. This lasted about 2 minutes in total.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Seaton, Devon UK Orange Light
Posted: December 28, 2008
Date: December 27, 2008
Time: Approx: 8:30 p.m.
Hi Brian, Thank you for replying so quickly. We saw another orange light over Seaton, Devon UK last night. It was just one big round orange one on it's own this time and it seemed to twinkle, this was about 8.30pm and lasted about 20 minutes. It was the same sort of light as the night before so it probably isn't Extra Terrestrial as we had hoped, it may just have been a search light? Although that wouldn't explain the second light we saw orbiting the bigger one the night before. Weird! I'll let you know if we see anything else. Kind regards.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 27, 2008
Time: Approx: 8:30 p.m.
Hi Brian, Thank you for replying so quickly. We saw another orange light over Seaton, Devon UK last night. It was just one big round orange one on it's own this time and it seemed to twinkle, this was about 8.30pm and lasted about 20 minutes. It was the same sort of light as the night before so it probably isn't Extra Terrestrial as we had hoped, it may just have been a search light? Although that wouldn't explain the second light we saw orbiting the bigger one the night before. Weird! I'll let you know if we see anything else. Kind regards.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Linwood In Renfrewshire, Scotland Strange UFO Sighting
Posted: December 28, 2008
Date: December 11, 2008
Time: Around 7:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Linwood.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Ovals.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was looking out of my window and I saw a flashing light. There was no sound at all, and I thought, that's really odd, so I watched for around half an hour. After about a 5 minute wait another flashing light appeared and the first light kind of flew in to the distance and then came back and flew straight down in a diagonal line. Then the second light flew about a bit, then the first light moved next to the second light, and they seemed to conjoin. then a small light appeared next to them and it flew in circles around them. They then moved in the Renfrew direction and disappeared. I'm so glad I found this website as I didn't know who to tell. I tried telling my friends and family but they thought I was being stupid.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 11, 2008
Time: Around 7:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Linwood.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Ovals.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was looking out of my window and I saw a flashing light. There was no sound at all, and I thought, that's really odd, so I watched for around half an hour. After about a 5 minute wait another flashing light appeared and the first light kind of flew in to the distance and then came back and flew straight down in a diagonal line. Then the second light flew about a bit, then the first light moved next to the second light, and they seemed to conjoin. then a small light appeared next to them and it flew in circles around them. They then moved in the Renfrew direction and disappeared. I'm so glad I found this website as I didn't know who to tell. I tried telling my friends and family but they thought I was being stupid.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Palen Creek Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia Capsule/Cigar Shaped UFO
Posted: December 28, 2008
Date: October 5, 2008
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Palen Creek Gold Coast.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Capsule/cigar dimension very fat.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was in the car with my husband and parents driving back from Natural Arch Bridge along the Mount Lindesay Hwy. A couple of kilometers past the Palen Creek Prison I looked up in the sky and saw a massive silver grey colored capsule shaped object floating through the sky. It looked to be about 200 metres long. Because we were driving and the road is windy, with hills etc, it went out of my sight. If it was just my husband in the car I would have said 'What the hell, was that - I just saw a darn UFO! I said nothing because of my conservative parents. I then caught a glimpse of it again. It was massive and totally smooth shaped like a capsule but extremely fat in the centre. It was floating slowly east at a controlled steady pace. As the car moved again it went out of my vision. I tried to rationalize it in my brain. 'Oh maybe it was a hot air balloon or something to do with the weather. Or that was so massive surely someone else would have seen it and reported it if it was that unusual. It had no other object attached to it and I did have a slight view from underneath. It was completely smooth all over with no edges. It was about 400 - 500 metres away from the car. I talked with my husband about it a few times. Last night I realized I could not rationalize or deny what I saw. It was a UFO and I feel abit freaked out about it all. I don't know why I was able to see it.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: October 5, 2008
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Palen Creek Gold Coast.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Capsule/cigar dimension very fat.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was in the car with my husband and parents driving back from Natural Arch Bridge along the Mount Lindesay Hwy. A couple of kilometers past the Palen Creek Prison I looked up in the sky and saw a massive silver grey colored capsule shaped object floating through the sky. It looked to be about 200 metres long. Because we were driving and the road is windy, with hills etc, it went out of my sight. If it was just my husband in the car I would have said 'What the hell, was that - I just saw a darn UFO! I said nothing because of my conservative parents. I then caught a glimpse of it again. It was massive and totally smooth shaped like a capsule but extremely fat in the centre. It was floating slowly east at a controlled steady pace. As the car moved again it went out of my vision. I tried to rationalize it in my brain. 'Oh maybe it was a hot air balloon or something to do with the weather. Or that was so massive surely someone else would have seen it and reported it if it was that unusual. It had no other object attached to it and I did have a slight view from underneath. It was completely smooth all over with no edges. It was about 400 - 500 metres away from the car. I talked with my husband about it a few times. Last night I realized I could not rationalize or deny what I saw. It was a UFO and I feel abit freaked out about it all. I don't know why I was able to see it.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Huthwaite, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, England Diamond Shaped UFO
Posted: December 28, 2008
Date: December 15, 2008
Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Diamond.
Weather Conditions: Clear, frosty.
Description: Whilst walking my dog, I noticed what I thought was the Notts police force Helicopter over a park near me (Brierly Park, Huthwaite). Being nosey as I am, I waited around to see what they were up to, and noticed there was no sound, which is very unusual for the Helicopter. I could see one blinding white light, which I assumed was the search light. However, this light began to come towards me, so I waited around for about 10 minutes, for it to cover what looked like a few hundred yards of sky. As it got quite close, I could see it was a diamond shaped craft, with a bright white light at the front, red and green on each wing point, and another white light at the back, albeit not as bright as the front one. The craft made very little noise, and only appeared to be a few hundred feet above me. I could clearly see the silvery coloured undercarriage. Another point of note, is the craft was flying at almost walking pace.
I tried to capture the vid on my mobile, but the quality is too poor to see properly.
The craft then continued in a southerly direction, more or less parallel to the motorway between J29 and J28.
My wife also witnessed this as it fly away from us.
Strange. Original thought are big black diamond thingies.
Anyone else witness this at all ? Thanks.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: December 15, 2008
Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Diamond.
Weather Conditions: Clear, frosty.
Description: Whilst walking my dog, I noticed what I thought was the Notts police force Helicopter over a park near me (Brierly Park, Huthwaite). Being nosey as I am, I waited around to see what they were up to, and noticed there was no sound, which is very unusual for the Helicopter. I could see one blinding white light, which I assumed was the search light. However, this light began to come towards me, so I waited around for about 10 minutes, for it to cover what looked like a few hundred yards of sky. As it got quite close, I could see it was a diamond shaped craft, with a bright white light at the front, red and green on each wing point, and another white light at the back, albeit not as bright as the front one. The craft made very little noise, and only appeared to be a few hundred feet above me. I could clearly see the silvery coloured undercarriage. Another point of note, is the craft was flying at almost walking pace.
I tried to capture the vid on my mobile, but the quality is too poor to see properly.
The craft then continued in a southerly direction, more or less parallel to the motorway between J29 and J28.
My wife also witnessed this as it fly away from us.
Strange. Original thought are big black diamond thingies.
Anyone else witness this at all ? Thanks.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Rio Piedras, San Juan A Silver Circular UFO
Posted: December 28, 2008
Date: December 10, 2008
Time: Approx: 8:00 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Circular.
Weather Conditions: Partially cloudy.
Description: I was walking to my car and lifted my sight to look at the routinely morning passage of canary wing parrots. Suddenly on top of them at what seems to be a high altitude I observed this white or silver circular object, static in place. I told the condominium janitor which saw it after some cloud cleared the object's area. I continued walking to my car. Later the janitor told me the object stayed for more than an hour. He lost sight of object afterwards in
order to continue working in his duties. I later remember observing dark spots in the circle which gave me a proportional idea of its size and altitude. I concluded it was a big object at a high altitude. I'm a US Air Force retiree 53 yrs. old with mechanical experience in jets (A-7D & F-16 ADF fighters) I guess I'm lucky to see one of those very clearly!
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: December 10, 2008
Time: Approx: 8:00 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Circular.
Weather Conditions: Partially cloudy.
Description: I was walking to my car and lifted my sight to look at the routinely morning passage of canary wing parrots. Suddenly on top of them at what seems to be a high altitude I observed this white or silver circular object, static in place. I told the condominium janitor which saw it after some cloud cleared the object's area. I continued walking to my car. Later the janitor told me the object stayed for more than an hour. He lost sight of object afterwards in
order to continue working in his duties. I later remember observing dark spots in the circle which gave me a proportional idea of its size and altitude. I concluded it was a big object at a high altitude. I'm a US Air Force retiree 53 yrs. old with mechanical experience in jets (A-7D & F-16 ADF fighters) I guess I'm lucky to see one of those very clearly!
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Paisley, UK A Round Bright Orange Light
Posted: December 28, 2008
Date: December 22, 2008
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Paisley.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: A bright orange light appeared in the sky. I thought it was a firework, but it became larger as it got closer to me. It did not fly in a normal manner, but in small circles and then a wide arc. I asked my wife to come and look. She couldn't think what it could be, so it wasn't just me that found this strange.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 22, 2008
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Paisley.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: A bright orange light appeared in the sky. I thought it was a firework, but it became larger as it got closer to me. It did not fly in a normal manner, but in small circles and then a wide arc. I asked my wife to come and look. She couldn't think what it could be, so it wasn't just me that found this strange.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Saturday, December 27, 2008
UFOs Over Otley, Ilkley, Guisley, Burley In Wharfeday West Yorkshire UK
Posted: December 27, 2008
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: Approx: 5:20 p.m.
Hi, We were returning for our Christmas meal tonight when my wife saw 4 orange orbs floating in the sky, moving westwards. Originally I thought they were aircraft taking off from Leeds Bradford Airport, as the last in the sequence appeared to be perfectly lined up with the end of the runway and the typical take off pattern. However, after 20 seconds or so the 2 middle ones faded away, I believe they were being obscured by clouds as the night sky was NOT clear. They appeared to be equidistant apart, just after the middle 2 disappeared (at slightly different rates) another appeared MUCH brighter, again I assume this was due to it being more visible in the air, again a similar distant apart. Even though they were a similar distance apart they were not position in a uniform manner, IE slightly different heights and positions. The main reason I can call them UFO’ they had no running lights as standard aircraft, AND they were too close together to of been planes taking off from LBA. This was around 5:20pm GMT today (25th Dec). Cheers.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: Approx: 5:20 p.m.
Hi, We were returning for our Christmas meal tonight when my wife saw 4 orange orbs floating in the sky, moving westwards. Originally I thought they were aircraft taking off from Leeds Bradford Airport, as the last in the sequence appeared to be perfectly lined up with the end of the runway and the typical take off pattern. However, after 20 seconds or so the 2 middle ones faded away, I believe they were being obscured by clouds as the night sky was NOT clear. They appeared to be equidistant apart, just after the middle 2 disappeared (at slightly different rates) another appeared MUCH brighter, again I assume this was due to it being more visible in the air, again a similar distant apart. Even though they were a similar distance apart they were not position in a uniform manner, IE slightly different heights and positions. The main reason I can call them UFO’ they had no running lights as standard aircraft, AND they were too close together to of been planes taking off from LBA. This was around 5:20pm GMT today (25th Dec). Cheers.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
North Road Wellington Telford, UK Numerous Glowing Orange Objects/Lights
Posted: December 27, 2008
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: North Road Wellington Telford
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Looked like moving stars.
Full Description of event/sighting: On the way back from the garage I noticed a strange light above. An orange light, very similar to a son street light, which then disappeared into the cloud. After driving down the road, another light, exactly the same was following. After getting to the end of the road I saw two people looking up. I asked if they had seen the lights, which they replied yes, but said that they had seen 3 more before. Then another was flying by, just as we spoke. They were like a glowing round street son light in the sky and not that high up. This was all in the space of about two minutes. At first I thought it was a helicopter, but they have white light and I'm sure there are no planes flying on Christmas day. At times one was veering left to the right.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: North Road Wellington Telford
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Looked like moving stars.
Full Description of event/sighting: On the way back from the garage I noticed a strange light above. An orange light, very similar to a son street light, which then disappeared into the cloud. After driving down the road, another light, exactly the same was following. After getting to the end of the road I saw two people looking up. I asked if they had seen the lights, which they replied yes, but said that they had seen 3 more before. Then another was flying by, just as we spoke. They were like a glowing round street son light in the sky and not that high up. This was all in the space of about two minutes. At first I thought it was a helicopter, but they have white light and I'm sure there are no planes flying on Christmas day. At times one was veering left to the right.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Colyton In Devon, UK Two Circular Orange Colored Lights
Posted: December 27, 2008
Date: December 26, 2008
Time: Approx: 11:30 p.m.
Dear Mr. Vike, I have been trying to set up an account on your web site unsuccessfully hence I am E-Mailing you. I think I may have also seen the two lights mentioned in the extract below from your website. My husband and I were taking my step-daughter home on 26 December 2008 at about 11.30pm to Colyton in Devon in the UK and we all saw a big circular orange (street light coloured) round shaped light, with a second smaller round orange light orbiting around the bigger one. The light that was orbiting the bigger one disappeared then the bigger light faded slowly until it had completely disappeared.
I too would be interested in finding out what these two lights were, so please let me know if you require any further information and I will be happy to assist.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 26, 2008
Time: Approx: 11:30 p.m.
Dear Mr. Vike, I have been trying to set up an account on your web site unsuccessfully hence I am E-Mailing you. I think I may have also seen the two lights mentioned in the extract below from your website. My husband and I were taking my step-daughter home on 26 December 2008 at about 11.30pm to Colyton in Devon in the UK and we all saw a big circular orange (street light coloured) round shaped light, with a second smaller round orange light orbiting around the bigger one. The light that was orbiting the bigger one disappeared then the bigger light faded slowly until it had completely disappeared.
I too would be interested in finding out what these two lights were, so please let me know if you require any further information and I will be happy to assist.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Somerton Road, Breightmet UK Bright Egg Shaped Orange Object
Posted: December 27, 2008
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: 8.40 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Somerton Road, Breightmet.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Long stretched egg shape.
Full Description of event/sighting: We witnessed a longish stretched egg shaped object bright orange with a bright green glowing outer edge. It was low between our house and next door, but there was no noise with it or engine noise and it moved at a slow pace on a steep angle upwards, straight up out of sight. It was the first time I have ever seen anything like this in my life and of course I know no one will believe me, but as I have the rest of my family who saw it. I felt that I needed to tell someone who might believe us and no we weren't drunk.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: 8.40 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Somerton Road, Breightmet.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Long stretched egg shape.
Full Description of event/sighting: We witnessed a longish stretched egg shaped object bright orange with a bright green glowing outer edge. It was low between our house and next door, but there was no noise with it or engine noise and it moved at a slow pace on a steep angle upwards, straight up out of sight. It was the first time I have ever seen anything like this in my life and of course I know no one will believe me, but as I have the rest of my family who saw it. I felt that I needed to tell someone who might believe us and no we weren't drunk.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Culcheth In Cheshire, UK Six Yellow/Orange Objects
Posted: December 27, 2008
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Culcheth.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 6
Shape of objects: Circular.
Full Description of event/sighting: Saw three circular objects moving across the sky very close together. They were a yellow/orange in colour which then disappeared. Less than 30 seconds later me and my partner saw another three objects in the sky also moving very close together same shape and colour as the first ones which we then lost view of.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Culcheth.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 6
Shape of objects: Circular.
Full Description of event/sighting: Saw three circular objects moving across the sky very close together. They were a yellow/orange in colour which then disappeared. Less than 30 seconds later me and my partner saw another three objects in the sky also moving very close together same shape and colour as the first ones which we then lost view of.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Near Gatwick Airport, UK Seven Off White Almost Amber Lights
Posted: December 25, 2008
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Near Gatwick airport.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 7
Shape of objects: Not possible to say.
Full Description of event/sighting: A series of off white, almost amber lights. No anti collision beacons, no port/starboard lights, travelling roughly east to west - estimated at 150 knots. No sound. Roughly 5 nm south of the approach path for Gatwick airport.
I have been watching the skies for almost 50 years as an avid aviation enthusiast...and can guarantee these were not aircraft of any sort. I have a multi engine rating with a night rating, so know what I am looking at in the sky.
Witnessed by my wife (54, and two sons (23 and 20).
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Near Gatwick airport.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 7
Shape of objects: Not possible to say.
Full Description of event/sighting: A series of off white, almost amber lights. No anti collision beacons, no port/starboard lights, travelling roughly east to west - estimated at 150 knots. No sound. Roughly 5 nm south of the approach path for Gatwick airport.
I have been watching the skies for almost 50 years as an avid aviation enthusiast...and can guarantee these were not aircraft of any sort. I have a multi engine rating with a night rating, so know what I am looking at in the sky.
Witnessed by my wife (54, and two sons (23 and 20).
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Friday, December 26, 2008
Poulton Le Fylde In Lancashire, UK Lights In Formation (Photos)
Posted: December 26, 2008
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: Approx: 9:35 p.m.
Hi Brian, never reported anything like this, in fact have always been slightly skeptical, but my wife and I witnessed the weirdest thing last night whilst out walking the dog. We live in a town called Poulton Le Fylde in Lancashire UK (north west England) we were out walking the dog and at approx 21.35. We witnessed the first one, then a further 2 large bright lights moving fairly slowly overhead. The direction was from the NE and travelling to the W. They seemed to be in formation. we watched them for approx 5-7 minutes until they disappeared into low cloud, they were flying below the cloud which was low when we first witnessed them and appeared fairly large, i had the impression they were moving in a circuitous route.
We were fascinated so decided to retrace our route and 5 minutes later were passed again by the lights, they could have been 3 more but i had the distinct impression it was the same 3 completing a circuit. The first time we saw them a couple had come outside their house and were also watching and commenting on how strange the objects were, on our second sighting we were passed by a guy talking excitedly on his mobile phone about the lights and it is quite possible that a group standing outside the local pub also witnessed the event. As it was Xmas day there was very little traffic on the road and the second time they passed us it was apparent that they were absolutely silent, no rotor noise like a chopper ( the local police have 1 incident chopper) and certainly no jet noise. I would describe the coloration as similar to a sodium glow/gold-ish, no evidence of navigation or other lights, my feeling was that the objects were quite large, i have 4 pictures taken on my mobile phone, quality is not great but they are very obviously not conventional aircraft.
I must add that whilst this was Xmas day, I was absolutely sober having had just one glass of wine at three in the afternoon, looking on your web site (this is the first time i have ever had reason to research these matters) there seems to be a spate of similar incidents over a short timeframe here in the UK, or are these sightings common? If you are interested I will try to transfer the images from my phone and forward them, on an unrelated topic I share your love of fishing being a very keen lure fisherman specializing in large pike. Many thanks.
Thank you to the witness for a good report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: Approx: 9:35 p.m.
Hi Brian, never reported anything like this, in fact have always been slightly skeptical, but my wife and I witnessed the weirdest thing last night whilst out walking the dog. We live in a town called Poulton Le Fylde in Lancashire UK (north west England) we were out walking the dog and at approx 21.35. We witnessed the first one, then a further 2 large bright lights moving fairly slowly overhead. The direction was from the NE and travelling to the W. They seemed to be in formation. we watched them for approx 5-7 minutes until they disappeared into low cloud, they were flying below the cloud which was low when we first witnessed them and appeared fairly large, i had the impression they were moving in a circuitous route.
We were fascinated so decided to retrace our route and 5 minutes later were passed again by the lights, they could have been 3 more but i had the distinct impression it was the same 3 completing a circuit. The first time we saw them a couple had come outside their house and were also watching and commenting on how strange the objects were, on our second sighting we were passed by a guy talking excitedly on his mobile phone about the lights and it is quite possible that a group standing outside the local pub also witnessed the event. As it was Xmas day there was very little traffic on the road and the second time they passed us it was apparent that they were absolutely silent, no rotor noise like a chopper ( the local police have 1 incident chopper) and certainly no jet noise. I would describe the coloration as similar to a sodium glow/gold-ish, no evidence of navigation or other lights, my feeling was that the objects were quite large, i have 4 pictures taken on my mobile phone, quality is not great but they are very obviously not conventional aircraft.
I must add that whilst this was Xmas day, I was absolutely sober having had just one glass of wine at three in the afternoon, looking on your web site (this is the first time i have ever had reason to research these matters) there seems to be a spate of similar incidents over a short timeframe here in the UK, or are these sightings common? If you are interested I will try to transfer the images from my phone and forward them, on an unrelated topic I share your love of fishing being a very keen lure fisherman specializing in large pike. Many thanks.
Thank you to the witness for a good report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Glasgow, West End UK A Round Golden Fireball
Posted: December 26, 2008
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Glasgow, West End.
Number of witnesses: 7
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round golden fireball.
Full Description of event/sighting: A round golden fireball, slightly transparent. It was roughly the distance of a star, but much bigger. It hovered in the sky for about 20 seconds, then reduced in size becoming more transparent until it disappeared.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Glasgow, West End.
Number of witnesses: 7
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round golden fireball.
Full Description of event/sighting: A round golden fireball, slightly transparent. It was roughly the distance of a star, but much bigger. It hovered in the sky for about 20 seconds, then reduced in size becoming more transparent until it disappeared.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Highfield Road, Collier Row, Essex UK 4 Lights Glowing Orange Like Flame
Posted: December 24, 2008
Date: December 22, 2008
Time: 9:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Highfield Road, Collier Row, Essex.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 4
Shape of objects: Unknown (They were too difficult to see as they were glowing like flame).
Full Description of event/sighting: At around 9:30pm I was watching TV with a friend of mine when all of a sudden my mother called my name from the bottom of the stairs, I asked her what she wanted, to which she replied 'Look out of the window'.
My friend and I looked out of the window and saw 4 lights in the sky which were glowing orange like flame. We immediately ran downstairs to join my mother in the garden to witness these things closer.
The sky was kind of foggy that night and so by the time my friend and I had reached the garden 1 of the objects had disappeared. The remaining 3 seemed to be flying in formation in a South-easterly direction.
The sighting lasted around 5 minutes until all of the objects disappeared into the fog (at least that's how it appeared).
The lights were not flashing at all and were larger then they should be for commercial planes and so, even though they were travelling along a flight path (there is an airport 30 miles in that direction), I don't believe they were standard planes.
I can't imagine they were hot air balloons either as I saw no balloon shape above the glowing lights and the conditions were rather unappealing for a hot air balloon ride (It was dark, cold and foggy).
There was also no noise to be heard from the objects, which from the distance they appeared to be at to my friend and I would not be out of the ordinary, however, my mother had seen them when they were above her and there was apparently still no noise, which would be unusual.
This sighting was very weird and I have never seen anything similar to it before,
I did however read this (which is why I am filling in this form) which tells me that whatever I saw is not uncommon in this area and so I will be keeping an eye out and will be sure to contact you again if they reappear.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 22, 2008
Time: 9:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Highfield Road, Collier Row, Essex.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 4
Shape of objects: Unknown (They were too difficult to see as they were glowing like flame).
Full Description of event/sighting: At around 9:30pm I was watching TV with a friend of mine when all of a sudden my mother called my name from the bottom of the stairs, I asked her what she wanted, to which she replied 'Look out of the window'.
My friend and I looked out of the window and saw 4 lights in the sky which were glowing orange like flame. We immediately ran downstairs to join my mother in the garden to witness these things closer.
The sky was kind of foggy that night and so by the time my friend and I had reached the garden 1 of the objects had disappeared. The remaining 3 seemed to be flying in formation in a South-easterly direction.
The sighting lasted around 5 minutes until all of the objects disappeared into the fog (at least that's how it appeared).
The lights were not flashing at all and were larger then they should be for commercial planes and so, even though they were travelling along a flight path (there is an airport 30 miles in that direction), I don't believe they were standard planes.
I can't imagine they were hot air balloons either as I saw no balloon shape above the glowing lights and the conditions were rather unappealing for a hot air balloon ride (It was dark, cold and foggy).
There was also no noise to be heard from the objects, which from the distance they appeared to be at to my friend and I would not be out of the ordinary, however, my mother had seen them when they were above her and there was apparently still no noise, which would be unusual.
This sighting was very weird and I have never seen anything similar to it before,
I did however read this (which is why I am filling in this form) which tells me that whatever I saw is not uncommon in this area and so I will be keeping an eye out and will be sure to contact you again if they reappear.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Belper, Derbyshire UK A Circle Of Orange Light
Posted: December 24, 2008
Date: December 24, 2008
Time: 11:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Belper, Derbyshire UK.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Circle of orange light.
Full Description of event/sighting: Standing in the back garden we saw an orange light coming towards us at speed, relatively low in the sky. It appeared to stop above us for around 30 seconds and then moved off at a very slight angle, whilst going higher, until eventually it disappeared.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 24, 2008
Time: 11:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Belper, Derbyshire UK.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Circle of orange light.
Full Description of event/sighting: Standing in the back garden we saw an orange light coming towards us at speed, relatively low in the sky. It appeared to stop above us for around 30 seconds and then moved off at a very slight angle, whilst going higher, until eventually it disappeared.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Above Port Talbot Wales, UK A Round Orange Ball
Posted: December 24, 2008
Date: December 24, 2008
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Above Port Talbot.
Number of witnesses: 7
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round Orange Ball.
Full Description of event/sighting: At 5:00pm I came out of a local store and a bright light caught my eye. This light was moving from east to west very slowly. I watched the object for several minutes on my walk home. When I arrived at my home, several of my neighbors were also watching. I watched for approximately two minutes and the object did not move. I then went into my home to fetch my binoculars. Once I peered through the binoculars I could see the object was a round orange ball. The ball did not move again, it stayed there hanging in the sky for approximately 2 - 3 minutes. Later the ball gradually moved away getting smaller and smaller. My neighbors said they could no longer see it with their eyes, but through the binoculars it was still visible. Over the next few seconds it gradually became not visible even with binoculars.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 24, 2008
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Above Port Talbot.
Number of witnesses: 7
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round Orange Ball.
Full Description of event/sighting: At 5:00pm I came out of a local store and a bright light caught my eye. This light was moving from east to west very slowly. I watched the object for several minutes on my walk home. When I arrived at my home, several of my neighbors were also watching. I watched for approximately two minutes and the object did not move. I then went into my home to fetch my binoculars. Once I peered through the binoculars I could see the object was a round orange ball. The ball did not move again, it stayed there hanging in the sky for approximately 2 - 3 minutes. Later the ball gradually moved away getting smaller and smaller. My neighbors said they could no longer see it with their eyes, but through the binoculars it was still visible. Over the next few seconds it gradually became not visible even with binoculars.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
We Wish UFO A Merry Christmas
Posted: December 24, 2008
Dec 24 2008 by Alison Rennie, Paisley Daily Express
AN eagle-eyed believer has sparked a Christmas mystery after reporting a spooky sighting of UFOs flying high in the sky above Renfrewshire.
The sighting, which took place on a clear night, has been reported to a leading UFO research website.
Now experts hope to discover if the unusual event was merely Santa running a pre-Christmas test drive on his sleigh or if there is something far spookier going on.
A Renfrewshire man got in touch with the HBCC UFO Research organisation to tell how he spotted two bright lights in the sky flying close to each other but in a straight line.
To read the entire article, please visit the Paisley Daily Express newspaper's website: *We Wish UFO A Merry Christmas - Paisley Daily Express Newspaper*
Dec 24 2008 by Alison Rennie, Paisley Daily Express
AN eagle-eyed believer has sparked a Christmas mystery after reporting a spooky sighting of UFOs flying high in the sky above Renfrewshire.
The sighting, which took place on a clear night, has been reported to a leading UFO research website.
Now experts hope to discover if the unusual event was merely Santa running a pre-Christmas test drive on his sleigh or if there is something far spookier going on.
A Renfrewshire man got in touch with the HBCC UFO Research organisation to tell how he spotted two bright lights in the sky flying close to each other but in a straight line.
To read the entire article, please visit the Paisley Daily Express newspaper's website: *We Wish UFO A Merry Christmas - Paisley Daily Express Newspaper*
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Milton Keynes Central, Buckinghamshire, England Lights Make Triangular Shape
Posted: December 13, 2008
Date: November 25, 2008
Time: Approx: 10:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Triangular
Weather Conditions: Clear
Description: I was a passenger in a vehicle moving along the V6 Grafton St from N/W. When we arrived at the Portway/Grafton St roundabout traffic lights, I saw two white lights in the sky toward the East above CMK. They were much brighter than those of a plane. As we passed the roundabout and continued along the V6 past Abbey House, I noted a plane high above these lights. The mystery lights were not moving in relation to this plane above it. I then discovered a third light, this time red in colour, pulsating slowly. The two white lights and one red were in the shape of a perfect triangle.
By this point we were level with the object, it was still in position, and the red light was intermittent, but pulsating. I kept this object in view until we turned onto Childs Way. I then saw the object begin to move off slowly in a N/West direction toward the Bradwell area.
TV/Radio: No reports that I have made nor seen.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: November 25, 2008
Time: Approx: 10:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Triangular
Weather Conditions: Clear
Description: I was a passenger in a vehicle moving along the V6 Grafton St from N/W. When we arrived at the Portway/Grafton St roundabout traffic lights, I saw two white lights in the sky toward the East above CMK. They were much brighter than those of a plane. As we passed the roundabout and continued along the V6 past Abbey House, I noted a plane high above these lights. The mystery lights were not moving in relation to this plane above it. I then discovered a third light, this time red in colour, pulsating slowly. The two white lights and one red were in the shape of a perfect triangle.
By this point we were level with the object, it was still in position, and the red light was intermittent, but pulsating. I kept this object in view until we turned onto Childs Way. I then saw the object begin to move off slowly in a N/West direction toward the Bradwell area.
TV/Radio: No reports that I have made nor seen.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Bootle And Liverpool, Mersyside, England White Large Bright Lights
Posted: December 13, 2008
Date: November 28th 2008
Time: Approx: 5:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: White bright large lights.
Weather Conditions: Clear and black background stars very visible perfect star watching.
Description: I noticed 2 lights following each other on a scale as I use in inches about 2 inches apart and about 1 inch above each they definitely wasn't aeroplanes or any other form of airborne flight they appeared to be going quite fast and remained large unlike aeroplanes that fade in distance I phoned my wife who was at work and told her to look out of her building where she worked she saw the same lights all of a sudden they vanished.
We live on the flight path for Liverpool Airport and know what plane landing lights look like these lights were not anything like we have saw before.
UFOINFO Note: As with other similar reports I asked the witness to have a look at the UFO Balloons website to see if this is what might have been seen and received the following reply:
Hello John Thank you for replying to my sighting as beautiful as those balloons looked in the night sky they definitely wasn't the same lights I spotted.
The lights I spotted were definitely not like anything I have saw before I am always looking at the night sky I have even been in the deserts in Abu Dhabi camping out over 3 days and nights and have saw satellites and all the bright stars in the night sky as I said these light were moving information and in sequence with each other no vapor trails no haze around them and they seemed bigger than most aeroplanes in the height sky I have saw even ten times brighter bigger--and brighter than Jupiter and moving in a straight line then the two of them vanished whilst other stars and landmarks could be clearly seen - I hope this helps you with my sightings anything else I can do to be of help I will only be to glad to oblige. Best regards.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: November 28th 2008
Time: Approx: 5:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: White bright large lights.
Weather Conditions: Clear and black background stars very visible perfect star watching.
Description: I noticed 2 lights following each other on a scale as I use in inches about 2 inches apart and about 1 inch above each they definitely wasn't aeroplanes or any other form of airborne flight they appeared to be going quite fast and remained large unlike aeroplanes that fade in distance I phoned my wife who was at work and told her to look out of her building where she worked she saw the same lights all of a sudden they vanished.
We live on the flight path for Liverpool Airport and know what plane landing lights look like these lights were not anything like we have saw before.
UFOINFO Note: As with other similar reports I asked the witness to have a look at the UFO Balloons website to see if this is what might have been seen and received the following reply:
Hello John Thank you for replying to my sighting as beautiful as those balloons looked in the night sky they definitely wasn't the same lights I spotted.
The lights I spotted were definitely not like anything I have saw before I am always looking at the night sky I have even been in the deserts in Abu Dhabi camping out over 3 days and nights and have saw satellites and all the bright stars in the night sky as I said these light were moving information and in sequence with each other no vapor trails no haze around them and they seemed bigger than most aeroplanes in the height sky I have saw even ten times brighter bigger--and brighter than Jupiter and moving in a straight line then the two of them vanished whilst other stars and landmarks could be clearly seen - I hope this helps you with my sightings anything else I can do to be of help I will only be to glad to oblige. Best regards.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Motueka, New Zealand A Round Ball Shaped Object
Posted: December 13, 2008
Date: November 8, 2008
Time: Approx: 1:30 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round ball shape.
Weather Conditions: Pretty clear night I think, remember seeing stars out.
Description: My two friends and I were standing at the end of my driveway after coming back from a party at the beach (they had walked me home). We were just talking when I saw a bright red/orange light floating across the sky. I drew the others attention to it and we stood there astonished at what we were seeing. It was moving faster than an ordinary plane and was not a jet plane because it was moving too slow to be a jet plane and was also too low to be a jet plane. It was also too big to be a jet plane. Definitely wasn't a helicopter because I think we would have heard it and wasn't moving fast enough to be a helicopter. It seemed to hover, and was a bright light colored red (maybe orange).
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: November 8, 2008
Time: Approx: 1:30 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round ball shape.
Weather Conditions: Pretty clear night I think, remember seeing stars out.
Description: My two friends and I were standing at the end of my driveway after coming back from a party at the beach (they had walked me home). We were just talking when I saw a bright red/orange light floating across the sky. I drew the others attention to it and we stood there astonished at what we were seeing. It was moving faster than an ordinary plane and was not a jet plane because it was moving too slow to be a jet plane and was also too low to be a jet plane. It was also too big to be a jet plane. Definitely wasn't a helicopter because I think we would have heard it and wasn't moving fast enough to be a helicopter. It seemed to hover, and was a bright light colored red (maybe orange).
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Hamilton, Waikato New Zealand Round Object
Posted: December 13, 2008
Date: November 27, 2008
Time: 1:45 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Fine with light cloud.
Description: The white object was seen traveling North above buildings, then circled and disappeared in the clouds, came out and started heading West where we lost sight as it traveled over the building.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: November 27, 2008
Time: 1:45 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Fine with light cloud.
Description: The white object was seen traveling North above buildings, then circled and disappeared in the clouds, came out and started heading West where we lost sight as it traveled over the building.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Pedreguer, Alicante Spain Disc Shaped UFO
Posted: December 11, 2008
Date: November 23, 2008
Time: Approx: 3:00 a.m.
Number of witnesses: Me and my dog
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Disc shaped.
Weather Conditions: Lightly overcast.
Description: My dog had diarrhea, so I took him out about - there were a number of times so I'm guessing it was about 3am. The street lights were still on, anyway. As I was waiting for my dog to do his business, I looked up. The night was fairly crisp and clear but there was some cloud cover high up. Behind the clouds I could see a white, dis-shaped light moving quite quickly from side to side and back and forth. It's changes in direction were too quick for it to be a plane or helicopter, and the light was too big for that too. The position was over a plain, so I was sure it didn't come from below, plus the light was definitely behind clouds, not in front.
TV/Radio: I haven't reported it anywhere but here yet.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: November 23, 2008
Time: Approx: 3:00 a.m.
Number of witnesses: Me and my dog
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Disc shaped.
Weather Conditions: Lightly overcast.
Description: My dog had diarrhea, so I took him out about - there were a number of times so I'm guessing it was about 3am. The street lights were still on, anyway. As I was waiting for my dog to do his business, I looked up. The night was fairly crisp and clear but there was some cloud cover high up. Behind the clouds I could see a white, dis-shaped light moving quite quickly from side to side and back and forth. It's changes in direction were too quick for it to be a plane or helicopter, and the light was too big for that too. The position was over a plain, so I was sure it didn't come from below, plus the light was definitely behind clouds, not in front.
TV/Radio: I haven't reported it anywhere but here yet.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England Oval Shaped Object
Posted: December 11, 2008
Date: November 21, 2008
Time: 23.00 till after 12.00
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Oval
Weather Conditions: Dry, thin cloud
Description: The same as my 14th November sighting (A faint oval patch of whitish light moving quite quickly across the sky in a straight line, describing a somewhat erratic 360 degree turn, retracing its trajectory and repeating the same course for over an hour in total silence.) - but this time there were two oval patches of light, one fainter than the other, and they were moving in roughly circular and opposing trajectories, appearing to cross through each other, again for over an hour.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: November 21, 2008
Time: 23.00 till after 12.00
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Oval
Weather Conditions: Dry, thin cloud
Description: The same as my 14th November sighting (A faint oval patch of whitish light moving quite quickly across the sky in a straight line, describing a somewhat erratic 360 degree turn, retracing its trajectory and repeating the same course for over an hour in total silence.) - but this time there were two oval patches of light, one fainter than the other, and they were moving in roughly circular and opposing trajectories, appearing to cross through each other, again for over an hour.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England UFO Makes A 360 Degree Turn
Posted: December 11, 2008
Date: November 14, 2008
Time: 23.00 till after 00.00
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Oval.
Weather Conditions: Dry, cloud.
Description: A faint oval patch of whitish light moving quite quickly across the sky in a straight line, describing a somewhat erratic 360 degree turn, retracing its trajectory and repeating the same course for over an hour in total silence.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: November 14, 2008
Time: 23.00 till after 00.00
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Oval.
Weather Conditions: Dry, cloud.
Description: A faint oval patch of whitish light moving quite quickly across the sky in a straight line, describing a somewhat erratic 360 degree turn, retracing its trajectory and repeating the same course for over an hour in total silence.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Renfrew, Renfrewshire UK Objects Approximately 200 Feet Off The Ground
Posted: December 11, 2008
Date: December 5, 2008
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Renfrew
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Looked like stars but, too low.
Full Description of event/sighting: Hello Brian, I was standing opposite the Police Station in Renfrew, waiting for a bus to take me home at about 8pm, when I happened to look to the south and saw what looked like two bright lights close to each other but, in a straight line. Although they looked like stars, they were just too low in the sky. At first I thought they were helicopters but, there was no noise and they emitted a bright, almost off - white light. They didn't move and when the bus came, I kept looking at them. The bus travelled for about a good 4 miles and they stayed in the same place. I lost them after that. The height must have been about 200 feet and as it was a clear, cold night the stars were visible but, these were an awful lot closer to the ground.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 5, 2008
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Renfrew
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Looked like stars but, too low.
Full Description of event/sighting: Hello Brian, I was standing opposite the Police Station in Renfrew, waiting for a bus to take me home at about 8pm, when I happened to look to the south and saw what looked like two bright lights close to each other but, in a straight line. Although they looked like stars, they were just too low in the sky. At first I thought they were helicopters but, there was no noise and they emitted a bright, almost off - white light. They didn't move and when the bus came, I kept looking at them. The bus travelled for about a good 4 miles and they stayed in the same place. I lost them after that. The height must have been about 200 feet and as it was a clear, cold night the stars were visible but, these were an awful lot closer to the ground.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Monday, December 8, 2008
Elton Cheshire, UK An Orange Flame Like Globe
Posted: December 8, 2008
Date: November 30, 2008
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Elton Cheshire.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Orange flame like globe.
Full Description of event/sighting: In a southerly direction, I noticed a orange light travelling across the sky, looking closer I could only describe what I thought was a plane on fire (being on the flight path for several airports) called my husband and we both stood there and watched this orange ball of flaming light travel across the sky and disappear to a point but made no noise. It did not move up or down but kept the same line across the sky. It appeared bigger than any star that was out about the size of a low flying aircraft. The sky was very clear and frosty. I could only possibly say that it looked like a meteor possibly. Can anybody confirm they saw something similar on this night?
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: November 30, 2008
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Elton Cheshire.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Orange flame like globe.
Full Description of event/sighting: In a southerly direction, I noticed a orange light travelling across the sky, looking closer I could only describe what I thought was a plane on fire (being on the flight path for several airports) called my husband and we both stood there and watched this orange ball of flaming light travel across the sky and disappear to a point but made no noise. It did not move up or down but kept the same line across the sky. It appeared bigger than any star that was out about the size of a low flying aircraft. The sky was very clear and frosty. I could only possibly say that it looked like a meteor possibly. Can anybody confirm they saw something similar on this night?
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Paisley Near Elderslie, UK Glowing Orange Lights
Posted: December 8, 2008
Date: November 15, 2008
Time: 10:20 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Paisley (near Elderslie).
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Orange glow.
Full Description of event/sighting: Whilst enjoying a cigarette outside a local pub near the Paisley Abbey, I noticed a small orange light travelling in a southern direction. In my estimation, the object was flying between 1 and 3 thousand feet and was travelling about the same speed a helicopter would. The object didn't change direction or height but travelled slowly in the same direction. At the time I thought that it must have been a helicopter but rather than typical aircraft lights it was a hazy orange glow which was strange. I almost forgot about until in amazement a second object appeared around 4 minutes later travelling at the same height and direction just as the first one disappeared into the distance. As a non believer, I must admit I found this very strange, but decided there must be some explanation. Then I read the local newspaper and noticed a similar sighting in Elderslie (around 4 miles away).
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: November 15, 2008
Time: 10:20 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Paisley (near Elderslie).
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Orange glow.
Full Description of event/sighting: Whilst enjoying a cigarette outside a local pub near the Paisley Abbey, I noticed a small orange light travelling in a southern direction. In my estimation, the object was flying between 1 and 3 thousand feet and was travelling about the same speed a helicopter would. The object didn't change direction or height but travelled slowly in the same direction. At the time I thought that it must have been a helicopter but rather than typical aircraft lights it was a hazy orange glow which was strange. I almost forgot about until in amazement a second object appeared around 4 minutes later travelling at the same height and direction just as the first one disappeared into the distance. As a non believer, I must admit I found this very strange, but decided there must be some explanation. Then I read the local newspaper and noticed a similar sighting in Elderslie (around 4 miles away).
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Helston Cornwall, UK Lights Appeared To Be Joined Together
Posted: December 7, 2008
Date: October 26, 2008
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Helston Looking NNW.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: -
Full Description of event/sighting: Looking NNW I could see what first appeared to be a bright star with a single light. After a while I noticed the light changing colour, this caught my attention. I took a reference from a constellation of stars, I knew it couldn't be a object on the ground or on the hillside in the distance. I then went to get my binoculars to take a closer look. Five minutes had past, I noticed the light had not moved relative to the constellation. When I looked through the binoculars I noticed there were three separate white lights joined horizontally, each light distinctive in brightness. The lights seemed to emit a brighter light from its center at irregular intervals changing colour. I observed the lights for 3-4 minutes longer before it disappeared.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: October 26, 2008
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Helston Looking NNW.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: -
Full Description of event/sighting: Looking NNW I could see what first appeared to be a bright star with a single light. After a while I noticed the light changing colour, this caught my attention. I took a reference from a constellation of stars, I knew it couldn't be a object on the ground or on the hillside in the distance. I then went to get my binoculars to take a closer look. Five minutes had past, I noticed the light had not moved relative to the constellation. When I looked through the binoculars I noticed there were three separate white lights joined horizontally, each light distinctive in brightness. The lights seemed to emit a brighter light from its center at irregular intervals changing colour. I observed the lights for 3-4 minutes longer before it disappeared.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Aveley In Essex, UK A Glowing Object
Posted: December 7, 2008
Date: November 15, 2008
Time: Evening.
I have just been to a friends house in Aveley in Essex, UK, and she told me not to laugh at her but she thought that she had seen an UFO. Obviously we thought she was joking until she showed me the photo of it that she had taken on her mobile telephone. She witnessed this object on 15th November 2008, just 3 weeks ago. She was watching TV at home when out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of something glowing in the sky. She thought it was an aeroplane but decided to look more closely and realized that there were no flashing lights on it and that it looked like a big ball of orange flame. She said that it looked about the same height as a plane would fly. She said it was moving across the sky from east to west. She went into the garden and called her husband out to witness it. He could not explain it either. It is worth noting that Aveley is approx about ten miles from Loughton. I said I would try and find out any info for her and see if anyone else saw this thing and that's when I came across the numerous reports from Loughton.
I hope this is helpful, Yours sincerely.
Thank you to the person for relating the person's sighting.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: November 15, 2008
Time: Evening.
I have just been to a friends house in Aveley in Essex, UK, and she told me not to laugh at her but she thought that she had seen an UFO. Obviously we thought she was joking until she showed me the photo of it that she had taken on her mobile telephone. She witnessed this object on 15th November 2008, just 3 weeks ago. She was watching TV at home when out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of something glowing in the sky. She thought it was an aeroplane but decided to look more closely and realized that there were no flashing lights on it and that it looked like a big ball of orange flame. She said that it looked about the same height as a plane would fly. She said it was moving across the sky from east to west. She went into the garden and called her husband out to witness it. He could not explain it either. It is worth noting that Aveley is approx about ten miles from Loughton. I said I would try and find out any info for her and see if anyone else saw this thing and that's when I came across the numerous reports from Loughton.
I hope this is helpful, Yours sincerely.
Thank you to the person for relating the person's sighting.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Darlington, UK Fireball With Red On Top And Orange Below
Posted: December 7, 2008
Date: December 6, 2008
Time: 10:50 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Darlington.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: A ball of fire, red on top orange below, flying across the clear moonlight sky, it moved very fast without a sound, moving from west to east.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 6, 2008
Time: 10:50 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Darlington.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: A ball of fire, red on top orange below, flying across the clear moonlight sky, it moved very fast without a sound, moving from west to east.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Darlington, UK Fireball With Red On Top And Orange Below
Posted: December 7, 2008
Date: December 6, 2008
Time: 10:50 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Darlington.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: A ball of fire, red on top orange below, flying across the clear moonlight sky, it moved very fast without a sound, moving from west to east.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 6, 2008
Time: 10:50 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Darlington.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: A ball of fire, red on top orange below, flying across the clear moonlight sky, it moved very fast without a sound, moving from west to east.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Hennopspark Gauteng, South Africa Couple Watch UFO
Posted: December 9, 2008
Date: June 10, 2008
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Centurion at home.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Unsure.
Full Description of event/sighting: My wife called me outside when she spotted the UFO. It came over our home at Centurion flying from east to west, it was about airplane height (commercial). I have never seen an airplane flying this direction as we have certain air traffic routes over our home. It had an orange flashing light as well as yellow/white ones (there seemed to be about 3 lights flashing) but the orange was especially bright, once again distracting from the airplane idea. I thought actually at first it may be a firework or fire signal, but it kept on going like an airplane. It slowly went over our home and continued above some thin cloud cover. It was visible through the cloud cover. Someways over our home it suddenly seemed to stand still for a long while, probably a minute or two. I then realized it was actually getting smaller, thus it was actually moving upwards at an incline. It then started moving round to the north all the while slowly climbing until it looked like a flashing star, after what was probably 10-15 minutes it finally disappeared from sight.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: June 10, 2008
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Centurion at home.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Unsure.
Full Description of event/sighting: My wife called me outside when she spotted the UFO. It came over our home at Centurion flying from east to west, it was about airplane height (commercial). I have never seen an airplane flying this direction as we have certain air traffic routes over our home. It had an orange flashing light as well as yellow/white ones (there seemed to be about 3 lights flashing) but the orange was especially bright, once again distracting from the airplane idea. I thought actually at first it may be a firework or fire signal, but it kept on going like an airplane. It slowly went over our home and continued above some thin cloud cover. It was visible through the cloud cover. Someways over our home it suddenly seemed to stand still for a long while, probably a minute or two. I then realized it was actually getting smaller, thus it was actually moving upwards at an incline. It then started moving round to the north all the while slowly climbing until it looked like a flashing star, after what was probably 10-15 minutes it finally disappeared from sight.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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