Posted: January 22, 2008
Dear Mr. Vike, I am a student from Europe and I in recent times the manifestation of strange dreams and memories (related with real marks/scars on my skin) is a disturbing factor in my life.
Yes, I filed a sighting report on your site several months ago, so my email address/pseudonym might be already known to you. This is -more or less- just a coincidence and it is not my intention to "annoy Mr. Vike with fictious fake reports for fun" or something.
The rare sightings I had from time to time are not directly related to what is told below, but by hook or by crook this is my complete story.
I am 20 years old and live in a town in the vicinity of Vienna. I have not always lived here; the first three years of my live I lived in a village near Salzburg.
I can remember some dominant nightmares I had in this time which had occurred for years in cluster-like patterns and vanished when I was at the age of 9.
I didn't remember these things until I had a strange experience a few months ago; this should be the beginning of a new, much more frightening "cluster" of dreams.
1. - It must have been around the 20th of August 2004. I remember that I had a beautiful dream, and suddenly I felt terrible fear without a dream-related stimulus. I realized that I was dreaming and tried to wake up panically. I succeeded and opened my eyes. I was laying in my bed and it was dark as it was supposed to be.. and there was a strange, misty shadow in front of my bed (where my feet are) with the shape of a child, approximately 1m in height.. but the "head" was deformed, it looked "squished". In panic I tried to find the switch of my lamp and turned it on.
Suddenly I woke up again and felt relieved because the nightmare episode was just a dream with a false awakening, but after a few seconds I noticed that the lamp was already switched on when I had opened my eyes.
2. - Three or four weeks later I woke up one night lying on my back with my arms crossed on my breast like an Egyptian mummy. The cover was well-placed under the arms and in-knitted under my back (please excuse my poor English, I am not sure if this word does exist. This had happened several times before but I did not dedicate much attention to it.
3. - The second significant dream occurred in autumn 2004 when I was visiting my sister in Spain.
I was standing in the midst of a huge meadow and a few dozen meters beside me there was a wooden hut. Some guys were standing beside that hut and when I looked at the sky I noticed a disk-shaped spinning thing. again I felt uprising panic and tried to shout something to the people but they seemed not to hear me. At the second glance the disk was bigger and nearer than before and hovered just in front of me. The next thing I remember is that I was "sucked" through a very small hole in the floor of a bright room with orange/metallic walls. There were two beings, a man and a woman; they looked like a couple. I knew that I had to follow them as they lead me into a big room with a table, like a conference room. We sat down and the woman said something, I think she tried to make me think that I am safe.. I didn't understand what she said but I simply knew what she meant. she tried to charm me like a snake but I knew that this scenario was just a friendly facade to trick my mind. As I stood up and fled the room they didn't follow me and I remember running down some colorful corridors back to the first room. The hole was still there but I couldn't get through this time. Now there was a chair just beside the hole and a small obese man came into the room. He said that he wanted to take a blood sample before my departure.
I sat on the chair and he took a driller-like tool with a silver cord attached to it. Then he fixed my left arm and I felt a sharp pain when the tip of the apparatus penetrated my skin (below my elbow). (end of dream sequence)
Three days later I was smoking a cigarette in my sister's living room when my bored mind recalled that dream. Just for fun and without any serious expectations I looked at my arm where the man drilled a hole into my vein. Surprisingly there was a small, round scar. It didn't look new, I think this is an old scar I hadn't noticed before. (The photos are not the best ones and they do not show that the scar is perfectly circle shaped) Photos below:
4. - After some months without such dreams there was another major event in November 2004. (dream).
In this dream I was in France with a "dream-girlfriend" . It was a sunny day and we decided to walk down a romantic path through a small park with high trees. Suddenly there was a whistling noise above us and I saw a very low-flying small plane (the size of a business jet) with a strange pink texture. There was smoke coming out of it's engines and it finally crashed into the tree-line at the left side of the path. There was fire and a crowd of vintage-looking firemen and ordinary people was running around the scene. Because of my short career as a red-cross-medic (in real life) I knew that I had to approach the vessel and apply first aid if needed. But now the plane looked much smaller, just like a pod or something. The remnants of the pilot rested on the ground beside the burning wreckage and everything was spattered with blood. I noticed a small sign beside the road which said "Rhone Alley, Burgundy".
Then the dream faded away and another, much more explicit scene evolved:
I was running through the streets of my hometown at night and I was totally naked. I wanted to get home in order to get some clothes when I realized the screams of hundreds of people far away. In the night sky above the blocks of my neighborhood the was a huge cluster of yellowish lights that looked like searchlights in the thick mist above the town. I was afraid that these "things" would notice my presence before I could reach my house which was situated just a few hundred meters away.
When I opened the door I saw that one of the two light clusters was approaching my position. I ran up the stairs and when I reached my flat, bright yellow light came through the windows and a strong wind emerged. The last thing before I woke up was a shadow of a person entering my living room.
5. - Another dream: (early Jan 2005)
I was sitting in my dream living room and doing something I didn't want the neighbors to see. When I went to the window to have a brief look if there is someone watching me from opposite the house I noticed nothing unusual, but after turning around to sit down again my consciousness noticed that there had been something above the roof (of my neighbor's house) that wasn't supposed to be there, a subtle rectangular solid, 90 degree-bent shape of blackness against the clear night sky. At the second glance I saw it clearly and its weird distorted form really looked like nothing I had ever seen before. There was even moonlight reflecting on one of its edges. Here is a (bad) drawing of what I saw: Below.
The rest of the story is as usual.. the sudden uprising of extreme panic, "knowing" that something had just entered my apartment and the certainty that something painful is going to happen.
6. - As it might already sound quite ridiculous, there was another "cliché"-event (the last one so far):
Late Jan 2005
The whole thing was a false awakening (again...)
When I opened my eyes after awakening from a nightmare (this was in a 4-week period when I had these dreams EVERY night, very intense and horrific) I saw a very tall person entering my bedroom through the door but I wasn't afraid.. it had extremely thin limbs and was about 3-4 meters high, the thing literally had to bend down to avoid touching the ceiling. As it turned into my direction and made towards my bed I saw that it had lizard-like skin and strange unshapely eyes. It said something like "be calm" and then I woke up finally (again).
I hope I didn't waste your time. As a man of great experience you might find some information useful or interesting; the only intention of this mail is to make someone know of this agony I have to cope with. I would be grateful if you could just give me an email-address or something of a person who is familiar with people who experience similar things, because I do not have the possibility to consult a Hypnotherpapist and I'm a bit hesitant with talking to a psychologist, the whole story is just too weird.
I would prefer anonymity concerning my email address and my name (if visible in the mail's header) in the case of public view, please.
Thank you very much for the patience,
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO