Monday, December 31, 2007

Mazarron, Murcia Spain Unusual Clouds

Posted: December 31, 2007

Date: August 4, 2004 Time: 1:00 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 6 Shape of objects: Circular, rectangular and other.

Full Description of event/sighting: Hi there, I was listening to a recent program of Jeff Rense, and thought you may be interested in this sighting. I did report it at the time to one of the American UFO pages.

Since this time I have given the event much thought.

A hot (40c) day, slight breeze just moving the leaves, a clear blue sky.

My apartment block was 100 yards from beach, in a flat valley, (with my back to the south and the sea) hills to left run north - south, hills to right run east - north. Both stop about 3 miles inland. To the north 12 miles away another line of hills run west n.east At 1:00 p.m. I took the dog out for her walk, up to the top of the road and away from the sea. At the end of this road is a wall about 8 feet high, and then a line of trees about 40 feet high.

I was amazed to see a cloud, behind some of these trees, extending above and to the right, not much higher than the row of houses opposite side to the wall. It was very white and acting uncloud like. Bits of cloud breaking off, floating away, floating back.

I stood watching across my road, and the cloud evaporated. I turned back, walked a few steps, turned to look and it was back doing the same thing.

I thought, I will get back, get the binoculars and go up on the roof. Why I did this I do not know, as there was two taller apartment blocks between mine and that cloud.

I went up on the roof and there was a small white cloud over the roof of the next apartment block, doing as the larger one was, breaking off, moving away, and back again. I stood watching, it evaporated. I looked to the left, over the hill, a mile away was a round cloud, about the size of a soccer ball at arms length. It sat there, evaporated, and immediately the little cloud re-appeared over the next roof.

It evaporated, and I looked to the hill again, and the ball cloud was lower and slightly northwards. It hung there a while, changed shape like a tear drop, evaporated, reappearing three miles away below the top of the hill, hung there for the remainder of the sighting. Something made me look beyond the cloud to the distant hills exactly as an enormous cloud appeared over them, very low close to the top ridge, moved slowly towards the ball cloud, stopping mid way between it and the hills. It remained there for the duration of the sighting.

My eyes were drawn to the mid valley, where there were about 40 tiny cloudlets, starting small, growing larger, evaporating and reappearing. I turned my head to the right as an enormous cloud appeared over the ridge 8 miles away. It was so close to the ridge top no sky showed below it. It moved in a straight line up the valley at this height (1600metres) until it reached a point between me and the hills to the right, about 2 miles from me. Before it reached this point I looked to the same hill as another identical cloud appeared over the same ridge, proceeded along the same flight path. Both clouds were rectangle, flat sided, flat topped and bottomed. They looked like two slices of bread. They took over 5 minuets for the first one to reach level with me a distance of 8 miles.

At this point they all became invisible as the clouds evaporated.

The two clouds appeared over the ridge in full view of the main beach, where thousands of Spanish were sitting, The circular cloud was hanging below the top of the hill close to a busy road, and the very large one must have passed low over two villages, yet no one reported seeing anything.There was no sound, and no feeling of movement when the little cloud moved from over the roof, less than 40 feet from me.

I had a number of sightings there both daylight and night time.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

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