Saturday, February 23, 2008

Bristol, England, UK 15 To 18 Orange Circular Objects (Photo)

Posted: February 23, 2008

Date: December 31, 2007 Time: 10:00 p.m. and 12.05 a.m.

Number of witnesses: 2 Number of objects: 15-18 and three. Shape of objects: Orange, circular. Weather Conditions: Clear, then semi cloudy, then clear again.

Description: 10:00pm on New Year's Eve, were driving back into Bristol across an area called The Downs, and saw to our right, hovering over the city, a spread of around 15-18 orange lights just hanging there in the sky. They were not flashing or changing colour, but fading in and out whenever a wisp of cloud came across. Immediately we knew these were not right. We've all seen helicopters and planes and light shows and fireworks, but these were not any of these. Then at midnight, we looked out of our south facing front room window to see the festivities going on in the street opposite, and there right in front of us in full view was one of these orange lights. It took a 40 degree trajectory for a minute or so towards the north east where it then turned to red and disappeared. As it disappeared, a further two orange 'globes' came into view at the same start point and exactly the same patch as the first one, and did exactly the same - turned to red and then vanished at exactly the same point in the sky. We have a digital photo.

TV/Radio N/A.

Click on the provided link to view the photo: *Bristol, England, UK 15 To 18 Orange Circular Objects (Photo)*

Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.

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